Monday 22 May 2017

Agile games 2 (scrum introduction, icebreaker, energizers)

I. The airplane game (introducing Agile principles and importance of team work)

It is meant to be fun and entertaining way to introduce teams to Agile. The game  point out how important is the team work, collaboration and spirit in any agile team.

Different types of the game could be played with one or multiple teams (in order to introduce, competition).

1. Preparation
* Print a number of copies of each / some of the airplane/s
(you may use the free plane designs at
* Prepare materials - paper, scotch, color markers
* Prepare a chart / list to record each team's results
* Have some extra folks to fill the PO role (outside of the team) for each team and SM role (could be a part of the team) to facilitate

2. Rules
* A team gets one point for each PO's accepted basic plane and two points for each advanced plane. One point is deducted for each failed delivery plane
* Sprint length is 5 minutes. 1 minute for Sprint planning and 4 minutes action
* Demo to the PO/Stakeholders/the other teams is done after the sprint is gone
* Team must choose how many planes could be taken for one sprint, during the planning. The team may take one basic plane, but then it is mandatory to take one advanced before taking one basic again, and so on. (backlog and priorities)

3. Acceptance criteria. You may play with the acceptance criteria and add more (to differentiate) for each sprint.
S1: plane must fly over 1 meter of chairs; plane must be colored in the team color; each plane properly folded; test infrastructure
S2: plane must fly over 2 meters of chairs; plane must be colored in the team color; each plane properly folded; test infrastructure
S3: plane must fly over 3 meters of chairs; plane must be colored in the team color; each plane properly folded; test infrastructure; plane must have the team logo (simple logo)
S4: plane must fly over 4 meters of chairs; plane must be colored in the team color; each plane properly folded; test infrastructure; plane must have the team logo (simple logo)

4. Start by explaining the game to the team/s. Explain that the goal is to produce airplanes, the sprint length, the points system, etc...

5. Select a PO (outside of the team) for each team and SM (could be a part of the team) to facilitate. Communicate secretly with the PO/s and give them the acceptance criteria for each sprint. Instruct the PO/s to only share the AC if asked during planning.

6. Show a common backlog consisting of 1 basic, 1 advanced, 1 basic, 1 advanced plane, so on.

7. Start sprint 1 and let the team self-organise and perform in 5 mins.

8. The team/s to do a demo with the planes created; The PO/s have to approve or disapprove the planes after testing.

9. Continue with the next sprints.

10. In the end summarize the score and retrospect over the experience

II. Candy introductions (icebreaker)

It is a fun and relaxing get-to-know-your-team-mates game.

1. Preparation
Get a bag of candies with different colors. Put them in a large bowl.

2. Let everybody get different color candies.

3. Explain the rules to them, and what they have to share before eating each candy:
Red candy - favorite hobbies and activities
Green - favorite places
Blue - favorite memory
Yellow - dream job
Orange - anything the person would like to share

III. Energizers (warm-ups)

3.1. The shoe size
1. Let the team members form a line related to their shoes size as qfast as possible.

2. Let them one by one announce their shoe size to check if the order is correct.

3.2. Untangle
1. Let the team members come close.

2. Ask everybody to hold the left hand of somebody with their right hand. //no grabbing the hands of people next to you

3. Ask everybody to hold the right hand of somebody with their left hand. //no grabbing the hands of people next to you

4. Ask everybody to try to untangle and form a circle.

3.3. Human body star
Ask the people to pair up with a teammate and form a star with their arms/legs bound together.

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